Reconstructionist Radio was created out of a desire to spread the truths of Christian Reconstruction to the next generation of Christians. The hundreds of books that have been written by Dr. Gary North, R.J. Rushdoony, and others in the past 50 years have been of great help to the body of Christ and His Kingdom. I have been one of those Christians who has been blessed by these writings..
As a professional truck driver, our founder Jason Sanchez would spend many hours on the road every week and would download these books into an app on his phone and listen to a robotic voice read them back to him. One day the thought came: “Why not start a group of volunteer narrators to produce free audiobooks and have them available for free just as the actual books are available for free on pdf?” This would give a whole other way for these important writings to be consumed and their Biblical teachings to be practiced in every area of life.
Jason reached out to Dr. Gary North and the Chalcedon Foundation (via Martin Selbrede) and both of these men were extremely gracious to allow Reconstructionist Radio to produce audiobooks of their libraries. He then started to recruit a team of volunteer narrators and we now have over 20 men and women on the Reconstructionist Radio narration team (not all are pictured below.) None of us are professionals, and none of us are paid, but we all seek to glorify God and see the Kingdom of our great King Jesus Christ advance on earth as it is in heaven. We hope these audio resources are a blessing to you.