Chapter 5
Stephen Perks
Narrated By: Nathan F. Conkey
Book: The Politics of God and the Politics of Man
Topics: Political Studies
Section 1: Historical Misconceptions
Section 2: Socialism and Revolution
Section 3: Socialism and Slavery
Section 4: Socialism and Christianity
Section 5: Capitalism and Christianity
Section 6: Socialism as Religion
Section 7: Socialism, Mammon and Patronage
Section 8: Conclusion
Excursus – Some Neglected Aspects of Marxist Ideology
Section 1: Marxist Communism and Socialism
Section 2: Marxism and Sexual Communism
Section 3: Marxist Communism and the Family
Section 4: Marxism, Libertarianism and Idolatry
Section 5: Marxism, Fascism and Socialism