3: Dominion Mandate: Covenants, Culture, and Hobbits
Adam Moore, John Howell, Dustin Ranem, Colin Pearson
Podcast: #DatPostmil Podcast
Topics: Doctrinal Studies, Eschatology
Episode 3 of DatPostmil Podcast is here! So sit down, grab a bourbon, your Bible, and burn one (a Churchwarden would be most applicable as you will soon see, er, hear). We’re excited to bring you an episode devoted to dominion this week as we talk about:
- Practical Dominion
- Referenced sermon:
- Now That We’ve Been Left Behind (Jeff Durbin)
- Referenced sermon:
- Dominionism and the Covenants
- Dominion and the Lord of the Rings (the books, not the movie you illiterate American!)
- Referenced resources: