5: Covenant Theology, Errors of Dispensationalism, and the Binding of Satan
Adam Moore, John Howell, Dustin Ranem, Colin Pearson
Podcast: #DatPostmil Podcast
Topics: Doctrinal Studies, Eschatology
Episode 5 is upon us, and we are excited to share it with you! Our team had some great things to say about Covenant Theology, the Errors of Dispensationalism, and the Binding of Satan (Colin takes Warfield’s view on this, and gave us a lot to think about).
Here’s what we talked about this week:
- Covenant Theology 101
- The Errors of Dispensationalism (#DatDispy)
- The Binding of Satan
- Referenced links and reco’s
- The Christ of the Covenants– O. Palmer Robertson
- Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology specifically the section on the Covenant of Redemption)
- A. Hodge’sCommentary on the Westminster Confession
- Ligon Duncan’s (FREE) courses onCovenant Theology in iTunes U
- Journal of Christian Reconstruction vol. 15: Symposium on Eschatology– Chapter titled “Reconstructing Postmillennialism“
- Loraine Boettner’s 1984 revision of his bookThe Millennium
- Charles Spurgeon’s sermon “Satan Among the Saints“
- Mark Dever’s “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church“
- Gary Demar’s “Last Days Madness“
”The covenant was made with Adam first, therefore Adam is ultimately at fault.” -Colin