305: How Do You Preserve a Legacy While Looking to the Future?
305: How Do You Preserve a Legacy While Looking to the Future?
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It was a daunting task to assume the headship of Chalcedon after his father passed. Mark Rushdoony shares how he stepped into this position with the dual objective of preserving the legacy while continuing the work of furthering Christ’s Kingdom and the challenges he would face.

304: What Happens When We Focus on Issues Rather than Foundations?
304: What Happens When We Focus on Issues Rather than Foundations?
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When it comes to matters of mutual concern, is it godly to join with those opposed to a Biblical worldview for the sake of a common cause? Are there limits to working together with unbelievers?

301: Are We Ever Safe from False Shepherds?
301: Are We Ever Safe from False Shepherds?
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A recent book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, by Megan Basham, highlights the fact that it’s easy to deceive Christians due to their theological ignorance. How discerning do church-attending Christians need to be?

300: Is Being Outraged a Service to the Kingdom of God?
300: Is Being Outraged a Service to the Kingdom of God?
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What’s the proper Christian response to today’s moral decline? For some—as if they’re surprised by what sinful man does—being outraged is more important than engaging in real Kingdom work. If we truly hate sin, we should apply our faith continually. Service to God is faith and action, not outrage.

299: What is it Like When Men Study Scripture Together?
299: What is it Like When Men Study Scripture Together?
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Great things can happen when like-minded men study God’s Word together to apply it to every area of life! Chalcedon’s weekly Men’s Roundtable—an online Bible study—is celebrating 10 years of doing just that, and co-host Chris Zimmerman takes time to share about this important work. Listen in.

298: How Should We Read the Bible?
298: How Should We Read the Bible?
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When it comes to reading Scripture, how we approach it is crucial to understanding what God requires us to know and believe. Do you take it for what it says, or do you read into it what you want it to say.

296: How Do You Build a Covenantal Household?
296: How Do You Build a Covenantal Household?
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The family is God’s primary institution, and the victory we’re looking for requires the restoration of the family to the place for which God intended. Listen now to discover how this can happen as I’m joined by Christian attorney, Greg Treat.

295: Is There a Blueprint for Godly Living?
295: Is There a Blueprint for Godly Living?
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Is There a Blueprint for Godly Living?

294: What Do the First Four Commandments Have to Do with Sales?
294: What Do the First Four Commandments Have to Do with Sales?
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Since ancient times, items have been “sold in the marketplace,” but if faith is for all of life, how does a Christian salesperson apply God’s law to selling? Learn how God’s Word applies to one of the oldest occupations.

291: Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?
291: Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?
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Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?