Christians in Caesar’s Household
Christians in Caesar’s Household
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Does the Bible mention believers who are in service of a pagan, executive state, and does the Bible give specific commands to those believers?
Assigned Reading:
– The Best Years,1945-1950, Joseph Goulden
Empowering the Saints
Empowering the Saints
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In this episode, I will a share a recent sermon called The Empowerment of the Saints: Encouragement for the Individual Believer where we discuss Biblical consistency in the Church, giftedness of the Holy Spirit and a Biblical response to tyrannical church leaders who are disobedient to God’s Word or continuously manipulate it.
065: Should the Hymns We Sing Be Inspiring or Inspired?
065: Should the Hymns We Sing Be Inspiring or Inspired?
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In episode 65 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the place of the Book of Psalms in the life the church is discussed.
Boots on the Ground: The Full Orbed Gospel
Boots on the Ground: The Full Orbed Gospel
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Boots on the Ground with Joe Salant discussing the Full Orbed Gospel
Real Authority vs. Fiat Authority: To Persuade or Domineer?
Real Authority vs. Fiat Authority: To Persuade or Domineer?
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All authority has been given to Christ as King, and He has commissioned us as ambassadors to go and teach the nations all He has commanded, we must also ask ourselves how do we do this? Is it by command? Or by persuasion?
Tithing, Responsibility, and the Presence
Tithing, Responsibility, and the Presence
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Given that ethical/judicial context of two-way responsibility between men and their institutions, then, what is the Biblical way for us to think about the tithe?
Assigned Reading:
– Tithing and Dominion, R.J. Rushdoony
063: Is There a Place for Ritual and Pageantry in the Christian Life?
063: Is There a Place for Ritual and Pageantry in the Christian Life?
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In episode #63 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve and Andrea explore the biblical roots of rituals in Scripture.