Jordan Wilson & Jason Garwood
Jordan Wilson & Jason Garwood
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Jordan Wilson and Jason Garwood join us in the War Room to talk about a new Christian Reconstruction and Active Abolitionist fellowship Cross and Crown Church, being planted around 10 or so families in NE Virginia, how the decision was reached, how its coming, and what it will look like.
Biblical Slavery vs. Chattel Slavery
Biblical Slavery vs. Chattel Slavery
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“Biblical Slavery is always temporary, and has a redemptive purpose.”
Assigned Reading:
– Economic Commentary on Exodus 21-40, Gary North
Gavin Seim
Gavin Seim
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Bill visits with infamous internet personality and justice warrior/activist Gavin Seim. It may have been Gavin’s first exposure to Christian reconstruction, but he embodies the love of justice and courage we hold dear. We talk about apostate churchianity, the constitution and revolution, activism, and that infernal Blue Line.
Biblical Tithing Part 5
Biblical Tithing Part 5
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In this episode, a godly, Biblical and generational inheritance.
Tithing and Dominion by R. J. Rushdoony and Edward Powell
John Andrew Reasnor: Kingdom and Abolition
John Andrew Reasnor: Kingdom and Abolition
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Joe Salant interviews John Andrew Reasnor on a wide range of topics related to abolitionism and the Kingdom of God, from the public schools, police, prisons to borders. John shows how abolitionism applied consistently demolishes the idol of humanism.
Biblical Tithing Part 4
Biblical Tithing Part 4
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In this episode, we will seek to discuss not the one tithe, but the three tithes in Scripture and their purposes.
Tithing and Dominion by R. J. Rushdoony and Edward Powell
Lone Gunners for Jesus
Written by Gary North
A biblical response to anti-abortionsists who claim that the individual has the God given right to kill abortionists in God’s name or in the name of natural law (“common sense”). These letters to convicted murderer Paul J. Hill were written before he was convicted. They respond to his printed defense of the use of violence against abortionists as well as to his personal letters to the author.
Download the PDF of Lone Gunners for Jesus via