Living As Christians In A Nation Under Judgment
Living As Christians In A Nation Under Judgment
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Bill and Joe discuss what it would look like for Christians to actually live as if they believed covenantal sanctions were on the way for America.
Where Does Christian Resistance Start?
Where Does Christian Resistance Start?
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“Whatever Christians were not trained to do in the church, they won’t be able to do outside the church.”
Assigned Reading:
– The New England Pulpit and the American Revolution, Alice M Baldwin
Biblical Tithing Part 3
Biblical Tithing Part 3
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In this episode, we will seek to discuss not the one tithe, but the three tithes in Scripture and their purposes.
Tithing and Dominion by R. J. Rushdoony and Edward Powell
059: Can True Believers Suffer from Addictions?
059: Can True Believers Suffer from Addictions?
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In episode #59, Rev. Uri Brito joins Steve and Andrea in discussing addictions and the place for Christian counseling in assisting believers in such struggles.
Boots On The Ground: Seminaries
Boots On The Ground: Seminaries
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Taking the aim at the Seminaries to purge the pulpits of the papists.
The Celebrity Cult
The Celebrity Cult
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“Ethically and judicially, making an authority of celebrities in the churches is not different than making an authority of celebrities in the political world.”
Assigned Reading:
– Moscow 1937, Karl Schlögel
Biblical Tithing Part 2
Biblical Tithing Part 2
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In this episode, we will seek to discuss not the one tithe, but the three tithes in Scripture and their purposes.
058: Why Are Many Christians Cavalier about God’s Designation of What Constitutes an Abomination?
058: Why Are Many Christians Cavalier about God’s Designation of What Constitutes an Abomination?
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In episode #58 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve and Andrea explore the Bible’s use of the term “abomination” and its implications for today’s Christian.
Written on Your Heart: An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture
Written by Rev. Andrew Davis
It is my prayer that God will raise up a generation of people who do this labor, thus presenting themselves to God as those approved, workmen who do not need to be ashamed, and who correctly handle the Word of Truth (cf. 2 Tim. 2:15). The lost in our nation and the weak and immature churches which have so proliferated are in deep need of the meat of the Word and those qualified to give it to them. May God bless your diligence and hard work!