Toby Harmon

Toby Harmon

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Live from Norman Oklahoma with Abolitionist Toby Harmon talking about Toby’s recent videos confronting the police outside of the child sacrifice centers with the Law of God.

Joe Salant & Bill Evans

Joe Salant & Bill Evans

Posted on June 11, 2020

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The War Room welcomes Joe Salant as a new, permanent co-host.

Bill and Joe discuss the Future of Christendom conference, the gifts, and empowering of the Holy Spirit, and why reconstructionists should be abolitionists and vice versa.

Gary DeMar

Gary DeMar

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Gary DeMar talks about Greg Bahnsen, new technology, preterism, postmillenialism and his new book.

Abolition and True Leadership

Abolition and True Leadership

Posted on May 30, 2017

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Abortion, therefore, won’t be ended by professional entertainers and institutional leaders building their own brand names and a host of spectators. . . . Abortion will be abolished only by the work of those leaders who, within three and a half years, recreate themselves in many others, through teaching them the vision, and entrusting them to the Holy Spirit.

Assigned Reading:
The “Atheism” of the Early Church, R.J. Rushdoony