055: Do Christians Have a Responsibility to Check Government Overreach?
055: Do Christians Have a Responsibility to Check Government Overreach?
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In episode #55 of the Out of the Question Podcast, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute is interviewed about the American Community Survey from a Constitutional perspective, and Martin Selbrede, Chalcedon Vice-President, from a Biblical perspective.
Joe Salant
Joe Salant
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Joe Salant joins us in the War Room, and talks about his time in the Ministry Industrial Complex.
France, the Huguenots, and Deuteronomy 28
France, the Huguenots, and Deuteronomy 28
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How did the most powerful nation in Christendom for several hundred years sink down to the level of such insignificance?
Assigned Reading:
– Covenant Enforced: John Calvin’s Sermons on Deuteronomy 27-28
054: Should Christians Join and Serve in the Military?
054: Should Christians Join and Serve in the Military?
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In episode #54 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve and Andrea interview Joseph Graham, a recently retired Navy pilot about his perspective and experiences as a Christian in the armed services.
Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston
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Elizabeth Johnston, The Activist Mommy, joins us today in the War Room.
The Activist Mommy
053: Do You Long for the Good Old Days?
053: Do You Long for the Good Old Days?
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In episode #53 of Out of the Questions Podcast, nostalgia and being past-oriented is discussed.
Rusty Thomas
Rusty Thomas
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Pastor Rusty Thomas of Operation Save America visits the War Room to talk about spiritual warfare and how not to become a casualty.