Bible Acrostic: An Aid to Memorizing the Content of Every Chapter of the Bible
Written by Michael Elliot
We all want to have a better grasp of God’s word, right?! There are multiple aspects of doing this ranging from the details of individual words to the overall themes of the Bible itself. This book-by-book and chapter-by-chapter mnemonic is designed to help with the intermediate steps in the comprehension of Scripture. By learning these headings we can know the general flow and overall content of the entire Bible! Enjoy the process of learning and hiding it in your heart.
Chapter 48
Chapter 48
Written by R. J. Rushdoony
Mike Gulley
Mike Gulley
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Mike Gulley Abolitionist from Sumner Country Tennessee, homesteader/homeschooler, friend and brother joins me to talk about always being ready for opportunity to plant truth seeds.
How Bad Have Our Hearts Become?
How Bad Have Our Hearts Become?
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How Bad Have Our Hearts Become?
But in all this external progress, is there internal progress?
Are our hearts changed compared to the generations before us, or are
we the same moral degenerates, or even worse?
Assigned Listening:
– The Paralysis of Pessimism, Gary DeMar
049: How Does the Kingdom of God Expand?
049: How Does the Kingdom of God Expand?
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In episode #49 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz discuss what is the Kingdom of God and how we should measure its success.
Chapter 47
Chapter 47
Written by R. J. Rushdoony
Jason Matyas
Jason Matyas
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Jason Matyas visits the War Room to discuss the excellent documentary Beyond Off Grid.
Note: Our internet connection was very sketchy. Please forgive the audio quality.
Beyond Off Grid
048: Is Retirement a Biblical Concept?
048: Is Retirement a Biblical Concept?
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In episode #48 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz interview missionaries Roger and Marcy Oliver who discuss their twenty years serving in Puebla, Mexico.
Chapter 46
Chapter 46
Written by R. J. Rushdoony