Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Written by R. J. Rushdoony

George Grant
George Grant
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Bill talks with Pastor George Grant, respected, veteran church planter, statesman, educator, author, lecturer, missionary, following a visit to Parish Presbyterian in Franklin, TN. They discuss the parish model and liturgy as a tool of discipleship, and means of reaching the culture, evangelism in affluent America, the church response to abortion, and his work in Iraq.
[This was my first time talking with George at length, and much of it ended on the cutting room floor, due to my ebullient babbling. My enthusiasm reduced me to stammering.] Lord willing there will future visits, during which we will dig deeper.

The Roots of Reconstruction
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
This large volume provides all of R.J. Rushdoony’s Chalcedon Report articles from the beginning in 1965 to mid-1989.

On the Importance of Empathy
On the Importance of Empathy
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What is Empathy? Is it type of counterfeit love? Is it something the church needs more of or less of? Join Monstrous Host Kate today as we discuss what it means to have empathy and what scripture tells us about it.

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So, what is your philosophy of missions? How is your view of missions different? How do you go about doing missions in Eastern Europe, and why is what you are doing better than what the American mission organizations have been doing so far?
Assigned Reading:
– Cyril and Methodius of Thessalonica: The Acculturation of the Slavs, Anthony-Emil Tachiaos

Chapter 33
Chapter 33
Written by R. J. Rushdoony

Joseph Foreman
Joseph Foreman
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Bill talks with former National Director of Operation Rescue & co-founder of Missionaries to the Preborn, Joseph Foreman about his understanding of Christian discipleship, reflections on Operation Rescue, the state of the Church, and his book Shattering the Darkness.

Semper Reformanda
Semper Reformanda
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood kicks off the New Year with a very special guest, his wife of 10 years, Mary. It’s a New Year, which means efforts at self-reformation now begin. But what about efforts at reforming the self as it pertains to obeying the Law-Word of God? 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, so what better way to kick off the year by examining the ways in which the church should always be reforming according the Scriptures. Listen in to find out, and as always, thanks for tuning in.