275: Are Christians Being Groomed to Accept Sin as Normal?
275: Are Christians Being Groomed to Accept Sin as Normal?
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Scripture warns us to beware of false prophets, but is there a sure way to determine whether someone is among the faithful or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? This is the topic for this Out of the Question Podcast episode.

274: How Do You Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
274: How Do You Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
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Scripture warns us to beware of false prophets, but is there a sure way to determine whether someone is among the faithful or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? This is the topic for this Out of the Question Podcast episode.

269: Is It Biblical to Make New Year’s Resolutions?
269: Is It Biblical to Make New Year’s Resolutions?
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Are willpower and determination enough for people to change? Resolving to do or not do something at the beginning of the year is a common practice. But is it a biblical one? This is discussed in this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast.

268: Are You Qualified to Serve in the Kingdom?
268: Are You Qualified to Serve in the Kingdom?
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Are You Qualified to Serve in the Kingdom?

264: Should You Trust Conventional Wisdom?
264: Should You Trust Conventional Wisdom?
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In an age of information overload, people can struggle with their beliefs and actions. Still, the faithful believer must be sure of theirs because God’s Word will often contradict conventional wisdom. Join us as we challenge some areas society deems “settled.”

263: Have Persecuted Christians Been Neglected?
263: Have Persecuted Christians Been Neglected?
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In 2022, 90% of all Christian persecution deaths happened in Nigeria—an oil-producing nation of 220 million where the average income is less than $100/month. With thousands of Christians dying each year, there is a great need for aid, support, and equipping. Judd Saul shares how he’s doing that.

260: From What Exactly Has the Believer Been Saved?
260: From What Exactly Has the Believer Been Saved?
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One might think “being saved from hell” is the sum total of Christ’s work on our behalf until you realize redemption actually goes to the heart of every issue we deal with individually and as a society.

250: How Do You Build Character Muscles?
250: How Do You Build Character Muscles?
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How Do You Build Character Muscles?

235: How Should Believers Prepare for the Collapse of Humanism?
235: How Should Believers Prepare for the Collapse of Humanism?
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How Should Believers Prepare for the Collapse of Humanism?

232: Must We Have a Governing Class?
232: Must We Have a Governing Class?
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Christ directed His disciples to become a governing class—those who influence, teach, and train the nations—but today’s Christian abdicates this mandate leaving it to the wicked. What can we do to change this?