Jerri Lynn Ward

Jerri Lynn Ward

Posted on June 10, 2020

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In this episode of the war room you will listen to Bill’s freewheeling conversation with Jerry Lynn Ward. She is a practicing Austin, Texas attorney, and affiliate of the Rutherford institute. They discuss Blue Lives Matter, a proper biblical response; the present state of institutional law enforcement; the courts; justice for all; and a reconstructionist perspective from inside the Justice/Legal system.

WARNING: Anti-statism Alert

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Pastoral Education

“If you are not sufficiently self-disciplined to get your education this way, you are probably not ready to become a full-fledged ‘theological revolutionary’ at this stage of your career.”

How to Recognize Predators and Victims

How to Recognize Predators and Victims

Posted on December 22, 2019

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if the church was a safe place to run to for those who have been abused and exploited, and the people of God were wise as serpents, and gentle as doves, able to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted and recognize wolves (EVEN when they’re wearing sheep’s clothing)?

We have to start somewhere. Let’s start by talking about it. Check out Rebecca Robinson and Toni Kolb digging into how to recognize red flags of a predator.

Once Dead

Posted on October 1, 2019

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Everyone likes a good story. All of us have benefited from Christian biographies. Hopefully we are the faithful Christians about whom future generations will talk. Reconstructionists have at times been called bookish, pugnacious, cold, arrogant. After all, knowledge does puff up! But nothing humbles and bring us back to the foot of the cross like sharing the story of the depths from which God has delivered us. And nothing should renew our ardor like fixing our eyes on our high calling in Christ Jesus, and what lies ahead. In addition, being familiar with the story of our brothers and sisters will assist and spur us on to pray for them in love. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.