James Wesley, Rawles: The Godfather of Preppers, and Popular Patriot Series Author

James Wesley, Rawles: The Godfather of Preppers, and Popular Patriot Series Author

Posted on June 10, 2020

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Bill visits with the godfather of preppers, the popular Patriot Series author James Wesley, Rawles. They get very tactical and discus practical considerations: food, energy, communication, etc. for surviving persecution and/or social collapse that might be part of the coming judgment of God.

James Wesley, Rawles books

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Shepherds and Sheep

The battle for Christian reconstruction is many-faceted, but there is a single “litmus test” to separate the shepherds from the soon-to-be-sheared sheep in this battle: their support, financial, familistic, and verbal, of the Christian day school movement.