Part III: Strategy – Chapter 11
Part III: Strategy – Chapter 11
Written by Gary North
The Stalemate Strategy
“Those who go into battle expecting defeat are soon defeated.”
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell
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Testimony of Jack Campbell
Loving Your Neighbor
Loving Your Neighbor
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Practical Advice for Loving Your Neighbors
The Monstrous Regiment
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God has created women in His image to build his Kingdom and to have dominion. This podcast calls Christian women to step up to this responsibility, while encouraging men to fight shoulder to shoulder with us, bringing in all of God’s word to bear on every area of life.
Sadly, an area in which the church is still plagued with pagan thinking has to do with the role and capabilities of women as image-bearers and dominion-takers, and yet the Bible describes godly women as “terrible as an army with banners.”
This is not a “Christian Women’s podcast” that limits itself to the key “female” passages like Proverbs 31 and Titus 2, or homemaking tips. We will be applying ALL of scripture to all of life from the perspective of kingdom women.
The Monstrous Regiment features a roundtable of dominion women, from single women to grandmothers, seeking to honor Jesus Christ in applying God’s word fearlessly and faithfully in all callings and seasons of life, both inside and out of the home.
Niceanity vs. Crustianity
Niceanity vs. Crustianity
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Joseph Spurgeon applies the law of God to teach what true biblical gentleness and kindness is. The true man of God should not be a slave to niceness or crusty harshness but instead should correct his opponents with gentleness and kindness. Joseph also talks about praying the impreccatory psalms.
Who Is to Blame for Today’s Effeminate Culture?
Who Is to Blame for Today’s Effeminate Culture?
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When the only concept that defines the Biblical man was taken away from the pulpits and the minds and the hearts of the church, inevitably, the church lost the concept of Biblical manhood. And while the world – and Hollywood – were still in the inertia of an earlier Christian era, when man was defined by his purpose and therefore was a true man, the church pulpits were setting the stage for the loss of manhood and for the creation of the modern concept of a genderless society of no real men and no real women. The church had a 40-year head start on Hollywood.
The modern culture of perverts and effeminate men was born not in the studios of Hollywood or in the meetings of cultural Marxists but in the faculties of the modern Reformed seminaries, and in the pulpits of our own churches. Culture is religion externalized, and an effeminate religion will inevitably create an effeminate culture.
Book of the Week:
– The Calvinistic Concept of Culture by Henry Van Til
Chapter 10: Economics and Taxation
Chapter 10: Economics and Taxation
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Written by Sunday Adelaja
Chapter 10: Sharon Daly
Chapter 10: Sharon Daly
Written by Gail G Nordskog