Chapter 8: Lili Baehr
Chapter 8: Lili Baehr
Written by Gail G Nordskog
Lesson 7: Local Government In A Free America
Lesson 7: Local Government In A Free America
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
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Matthew Marquard: Covenantal Faithfulness and the Biblical Doctrine of Preparedness
Matthew Marquard: Covenantal Faithfulness and the Biblical Doctrine of Preparedness
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Bill and guest Matthew Marquard discuss covenantal faithfulness and the biblical doctrine of preparedness.
Note of correction: The essay “Why the Gun is Civilization” has been commonly yet erroneously attributed to a Major L Caudill USMC Ret., Who may be a fictional character created by the true author Marko Kloos, a writer of military fiction.
Shelby “Gramps” Luke
Shelby “Gramps” Luke
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As a reflection, Christianity is faith in action. The sphere in which we live is where we work, and there is plenty to do everywhere. Covenantal thinking affects every area of thought and life and your worldview does matter because you will live your life accordingly. We have a welfare state because the church has shirked its responsibilities, forfeiting to the state what WE, as the church, should be doing. I remember what R.J. Rushdoony said, “History has never been dominated by majorities, but only dedicated minorities who stand unconditionally on their faith.”
Chapter 7: To Whom Do We Tithe?
Chapter 7: To Whom Do We Tithe?
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
Chapter 7: The Revelation
Chapter 7: The Revelation
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon