Chapter 1: The Books of Moses
Chapter 1: The Books of Moses
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Bible Acrostic: An Aid to Memorizing the Content of Every Chapter of the Bible
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Narrated By: Nathan Conkey
We all want to have a better grasp of God’s word, right?! There are multiple aspects of doing this ranging from the details of individual words to the overall themes of the Bible itself. This book-by-book and chapter-by-chapter mnemonic is designed to help with the intermediate steps in the comprehension of Scripture. By learning these headings we can know the general flow and overall content of the entire Bible! Enjoy the process of learning and hiding it in your heart.

Límites y Funciones del Gobierno Civil
Límites y Funciones del Gobierno Civil
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La doctrina de la autoridad es fundamental para llevar a cabo la adoración debida al Único Rey Soberano. Una de las desgracias de la cristiandad hoy es que la iglesia está fallando en cuanto a la enseñanza de esta importante doctrina. Hay por lo menos tres preguntas importantes que las Escrituras responden y que la iglesia debe replicar: (1) ¿Cuál es el significado y legitimidad de la autoridad bajo Dios? (2)¿Cuáles son las funciones delegadas a la autoridad bajo Dios? y (3) ¿Cuáles son los límites de la obediencia a la autoridad bajo la ley de Dios?. El fallo de la iglesia al no responder bíblicamente a estas preguntas ha conducido a justificar usos ilegítimos de autoridad, delante de Dios, para justificar todo tipo de abusos. Llevando así a la práctica diabólica de tomar pasajes de las Escrituras, especialmente Romanos 13, para torcerlos y promover todo tipo de injusticia.
Narrador: William Garcia

Episode 2: Pandemic & Christian Reconstruction
Episode 2: Pandemic & Christian Reconstruction
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A global pandemic is isolating people, tanking the economy, and expanding the powers of the state. Is this God’s judgment? Is this an enforced sabbath? How should Christians view this crisis, and what should we be doing to prepare for the future?
Hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.
Learn more about the Chalcedon Foundation at Chalcedon.edu

Chapter 1: Mary Anne Ambroselli
Chapter 1: Mary Anne Ambroselli
Written by Gail G Nordskog

Introduction: Part 2
Introduction: Part 2
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
Download the FREE Study Guide!
Get the book: Restoring America: One County at a Time

The Basics of Christian Reconstruction
The Basics of Christian Reconstruction
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“This is a short introduction to the basics of Christian Reconstruction.
Gary DeMar and Gary North’s book Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn’t