Part 1: The War – Chapter 1
Part 1: The War – Chapter 1
Written by Gary North
Backward, Christian Soldiers
“Christians believe today that they can safely retreat into a zone of social impotence and therefore social irresponsibility, just as they have done for over a century.”

Toby Harmon
Toby Harmon
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“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6
Raised with a Christian foundation in a Christian family, Toby strayed of the path of righteousness for 9 years to engage in drug and alcohol abuse, sexual addiction, and drug dealing. God stripped him of everything, even his freedom in order to open his eyes and bring him to repentant faith in Christ. Now, by His grace alone, He has blessed Toby to be used of Him to further His Kingdom through Abolitionism.

How Christians Can Start Caring For The Orphan In Their Community
How Christians Can Start Caring For The Orphan In Their Community
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Matt & Helen talk about practical ways that Christians can start caring for the orphans in their communities. It can be as simple as sitting down to have a conversation and using the skills you already have.

Foundations of Reconstruction Essays #1
Foundations of Reconstruction Essays #1
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These audioblogs have been contributed by the folks at The Foundations of Reconstruction.

Covenantal Thinking
Covenantal Thinking
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Thus, spiritual man and mature man both describe a man who can judge both good and evil, in all things. It is righteous judgment that defines a spiritual, mature man. He is a man who knows the difference between good and evil, and has trained his senses to discern good vs. evil in everything that comes his way.

Reconstructing the Heart
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Reconstructing the Heart is an honest look at what it means to be emotional in all the right ways. As the reader will learn, the “right” ways are determined by the ethical/judicial presuppositions and actions we use when deploying our emotions. Because of the abhorrent assumptions and influence of Greek philosophy, many Christians today are left without a proper understanding of what it means to be righteously and biblically emotional. Reconstructing the Heart is a technical and practical look at how to reclaim your emotions from the clutches of sin and bad theology. The reader will be challenged and motivated to apply the gospel of the Kingdom to all aspects of his being: mind, soul, and heart.

Chapter 1: Whole Body, Whole Gospel
Chapter 1: Whole Body, Whole Gospel
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Chapter 2: Guilt Give-Away
Chapter 2: Guilt Give-Away
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Chapter 3: Emotional Baggage Fees
Chapter 3: Emotional Baggage Fees
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood