257: The Economic Scene in the 1990s
257: The Economic Scene in the 1990s
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256: Christianity in Australia
256: Christianity in Australia
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255: What is Your Moral IQ?
255: What is Your Moral IQ?
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At the height of technology and intellectualism, we are witnessing a rapid decline in man’s moral intelligence, leading to a breakdown in the social order. Humanism is bankrupt, and only a return to God’s Law can restore the civilization both believer and unbeliever long for. Chalcedon Vice-president Martin Selbrede, speaks to this subject in this Out of the Question Podcast episode.

255: Forbidden Discovery in Australia
255: Forbidden Discovery in Australia
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254: America The Beautiful
254: America The Beautiful
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253: Should You Practice Arguing?
253: Should You Practice Arguing?
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Reasoned debate, rather than quarreling, is the key to influencing people’s opinions, and it’s crucial to master this skill and to recognize when others employ flawed reasoning that derails meaningful dialogue.

253: Federal Lands Privatized
253: Federal Lands Privatized
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252: What Exactly Does “Labor Day” Celebrate?
252: What Exactly Does “Labor Day” Celebrate?
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Many of our national holidays are celebrated without an understanding of their underlying worldviews. In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, the subject of the origins of Labor Day is discussed.

252: A Federal Police Force
252: A Federal Police Force
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251: Education & Boredom
251: Education & Boredom
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