205: What Motivates You?

205: What Motivates You?

Posted on October 3, 2022

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Humanism is failing because it lacks the moral force of Christianity, and its only means of survival is coercion and brute force through the state, media, and institutions. Christianity has the moral force. We have eternal motivation. But will we use them to win in history? Chalcedon president, Mark Rushdoony, discusses this important question.

204: Will God Heal the Nations?

204: Will God Heal the Nations?

Posted on September 26, 2022

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When the average Christian thinks of “healing,” he or she thinks of the physical body and not the world itself, but the final chapter of the Bible describes a great river going out to the ends of the earth leading to the healing of the nations. What does this mean and do we have a part to play in this? Chalcedon’s Martin Selbrede helps us to understand this great vision.