165: Pragmatism
165: Pragmatism
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Why Y’all Still Meeting?
Why Y’all Still Meeting?
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Gordan Runyan answers a common question about why his congregation has continued to meet. It’s not because of the “usual suspects.” But at the end of the day, there really is a hill to die on.

164: The New Paganism
164: The New Paganism
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Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
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Gordan Runyan encourages his listeners to examine the building materials they’ve been using to put up the edifice of their lives, especially in light of the fact that a virus has caused many to reach out for other saviors, other ethical rules, that can keep them safe in the storm.

163: Inflation
163: Inflation
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163: Is It Possible To Be Black and Pro-Life in America?
163: Is It Possible To Be Black and Pro-Life in America?
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162: Charles Darwin and Evolution
162: Charles Darwin and Evolution
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162: Can Jesus Save the World or Only Souls?
162: Can Jesus Save the World or Only Souls?
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From the beginning, there has been a war between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. By misconstruing this fact, the church has truncated the Gospel. Dennis Peacocke discusses the way forward.

161: Marxism and Communism
161: Marxism and Communism
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160: Money and Debt
160: Money and Debt
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