159: North Africa Today
159: North Africa Today
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159: How One Woman Uses Satire to Reach an Under-Informed Audience
159: How One Woman Uses Satire to Reach an Under-Informed Audience
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Andrea is joined by Laura Klassen of Choice42 (read: for two) in this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast to discuss how she created a series of viral videos to shed light on what abortion actually is and what it does to humans in the womb.

158: Death and Taxes II
158: Death and Taxes II
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158: Who Is Qualified to Approve or Disapprove Another’s Religious Beliefs?
158: Who Is Qualified to Approve or Disapprove Another’s Religious Beliefs?
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Is it possible to separate one’s philosophy from one’s religious beliefs, and who is qualified to judge? That’s the subject of this week’s episode of Out of the Question.

157: Death and Taxes I
157: Death and Taxes I
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157: Is Climate Change a Hoax?
157: Is Climate Change a Hoax?
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In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, Patrick J. Michaels, climatologist and author, discusses the faulty science and political motives informing the current debate on the earth’s climate.

155: Does Technology Make Us Smarter?
155: Does Technology Make Us Smarter?
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In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, author and commentator, Lee Duigon, discusses the effect of digital learning on students and its consequent of dumbing down education.

154: International Free Trade, Protectionism
154: International Free Trade, Protectionism
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