113: Communist Resistance
113: Communist Resistance
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113: How Do We Face the Goliaths of Our Day?
113: How Do We Face the Goliaths of Our Day?
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Parallels to the situation Christians find themselves in today to the account of David felling the seemingly unstoppable giant is the subject of the 113th episode of the Out of the Question Podcast.

112: Early American Life; War on Poverty
112: Early American Life; War on Poverty
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112: Is It Time to Abandon Media Sources Hostile to Christ’s Kingdom?
112: Is It Time to Abandon Media Sources Hostile to Christ’s Kingdom?
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In episode #112 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Jeremy Walker of CR101 Podcast Network and Rushdoony Radio discusses with the hosts his efforts to propagate R. J. Rushdoony’s ideas.

111: Issachar Frontier Missions Research
111: Issachar Frontier Missions Research
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111: Is Every Hill One to Die On?
111: Is Every Hill One to Die On?
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How do you determine which battles to fight in service to the Kingdom? This is discussed in episode #111 of the Out of the Question Podcast.

109: Living By Faith
109: Living By Faith
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110: What’s So Bad About Censorship?
110: What’s So Bad About Censorship?
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A discussion about how Christians have adopted a humanistic attitude toward censorship rather than a Biblical one is the subject of episode #110 of the Out of the Question Podcast.

Jeremiah 16, Covenantal Accountability, and the Social Justice Statement
Jeremiah 16, Covenantal Accountability, and the Social Justice Statement
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Gordan Runyan highlights God’s answer to Judah when the question became, “Why is all of this coming upon us?” The answer was twofold: Your fathers have sinned. And, you have done worse. Both sides in the currently hot debate over Social Justice seem to be forgetting one or the other of those reasons. A balanced, covenantal view avoids ditches on both sides of the road.