102: How Much Effort Should We Put in to Learning Opposing Views?
102: How Much Effort Should We Put in to Learning Opposing Views?
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Episode #102 of the Out of the Question podcast discusses why travelling the straight and narrow path does not mean being narrow minded.

100: Family Restrictions; Redemption of World
100: Family Restrictions; Redemption of World
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101: How Should Christians Defend Themselves?
101: How Should Christians Defend Themselves?
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In the 101st episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, self defense is discussed from not only a physical perspective, but also emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and theological perspectives as well.

099: Prevention of War; Soviet Military; Plymouth Colony
099: Prevention of War; Soviet Military; Plymouth Colony
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Patriotism vs. Nationalism Revisited
Patriotism vs. Nationalism Revisited
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On this “Memorial Day” weekend, Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas revisits a podcast from years past and discusses this sensitive and often hostile topic. What is the difference between the two? What path should we walk in as Christians to different from the pagan acts of this world? This episode is not some pietistic mumbo jumbo, but a look at the root cause of inconsistency amongst the church in America today.

097: Dietary Laws; Inflation; Pornography
097: Dietary Laws; Inflation; Pornography
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096: The Other End of the Lifeboat
096: The Other End of the Lifeboat
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097: Is It Biblical to Be Patriotic?
097: Is It Biblical to Be Patriotic?
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In episode #97 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the subject of patriotism vs. nationalism is discussed from a biblical framework.s

Just Say No to Kinism
Just Say No to Kinism
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Kinism is dangerously close to the Recon movement and antithetical to the Gospel. John makes a case and encourages us to resist and respond against Kinism as a matter of truth and love.