095: The Conservative Caucus View
095: The Conservative Caucus View
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096: If the State Didn’t Provide Welfare, What Would Happen to the Poor?
096: If the State Didn’t Provide Welfare, What Would Happen to the Poor?
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In episode 96 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Biblical welfare is examined.

The Ethical Imperative of Abolition
The Ethical Imperative of Abolition
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood preaches at the 2017 Abolish Abortion Texas Conference and Rally in Austin, Texas. Thanks for listening!

094: Women in the Church
094: Women in the Church
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093: Mental Imaginary
093: Mental Imaginary
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092: Earthquake Reform
092: Earthquake Reform
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Kinism Dust-up and Eschatology Pitfalls
Kinism Dust-up and Eschatology Pitfalls
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Pastor Gordan Runyan is joined by his wife, Joyce, as they discuss the recent kinism controversy. The second half of the program takes a look at three parables that contain warnings, not so much about bad eschatology, but about ways in which our view of the future may effect our present.

091: Principle Approach; Immigrants
091: Principle Approach; Immigrants
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The Master’s Seminary’s Master Plan for Irrelevancy
The Master’s Seminary’s Master Plan for Irrelevancy
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood examines a video that was put out by the Master’s Seminary entitled, “Is the church called to transform society?” Thanks for listening!

090: Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Education; Gold; Victorian Era
090: Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Education; Gold; Victorian Era
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