089: War & Peace
089: War & Peace
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090: Can We Make a Difference During a Time of Worldwide Crisis?
090: Can We Make a Difference During a Time of Worldwide Crisis?
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In episode #90 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve and Andrea discuss the reality of God’s judgment in occurrences such as pandemics.

Captain Marvel and the Madness of Power Religion
Captain Marvel and the Madness of Power Religion
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Every time someone says, “this is the real problem,” or “this is the real conflict,” it doesn’t say much about the problem or the conflict he is describing – that problem or conflict may be real, and it may not be real. But the truth is, it says a lot about the real worldview of the person saying it.

088: Restrictions on Mining and Food
088: Restrictions on Mining and Food
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089: Who Loses When Fear Triumphs Over Faith?
089: Who Loses When Fear Triumphs Over Faith?
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In episode 89 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the hysterical response to the current “health crisis” is discussed from a Biblical perspective.

087: De-Christianization of Civilization
087: De-Christianization of Civilization
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088: What Does It Take to Challenge the Status Quo?
088: What Does It Take to Challenge the Status Quo?
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In episode 88 of the Out of the Question Podcast. Chris Zimmerman and his daughter, Savannah, discuss their family’s activities in preserving our Second Amendment rights.

Books and Missions
Books and Missions
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Why do foreign missions need to start with books?
Assigned Reading:
– The Book That Made Your World, Vishal Mangalwadi

Following the Leader
Following the Leader
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In this episode Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church of Sweeny, TX discusses in a sermon: Who we are following, how we are following, the impact we are making as individuals for the Kingdom of God and hindrances to that impact.

086: Rain; Civil War; Medieval History
086: Rain; Civil War; Medieval History
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