087: Why Does Our Culture Embrace Romance Rather Than Marriage?
087: Why Does Our Culture Embrace Romance Rather Than Marriage?
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In episode #87 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz discuss the paradox of a culture that embraces romance over marriage.

The Gospel of the Kindom, For the Whole Man
The Gospel of the Kindom, For the Whole Man
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Gordan Runyan preaches on the nature of man and the only Good News that is capable of transforming the whole world. Against truncated, salvation-only gospels, and what Rushdoony called “The Flight from Humanity.”

085: The Media; The Fourth Estate
085: The Media; The Fourth Estate
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084: Christian and Jewish Borrowings
084: Christian and Jewish Borrowings
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083: Christian Fundamentals
083: Christian Fundamentals
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083: Should Christians Argue Over the Celebration of Christmas?
083: Should Christians Argue Over the Celebration of Christmas?
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In episode #83 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the observance of Christmas is discussed from an historical and biblical perspective.

Deft All Tyrants
Deft All Tyrants
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Joe Salant exposes some inconsistencies and shines the light on some blind spots in the modern abolitionist movement, related to the idols in the Pagan State, Pagan Church, and Pagan Family that must be identified and destroyed to deliver man from the dominion of man and establish the true biblical hierarchy: man over creation.

How Christianity Invented the Future
How Christianity Invented the Future
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Jesus had a view of the future that scandalized both Gentiles and Jews.
Assigned Reading:
– Is the World Running Down? Crisis in the Christian Worldview, Gary North

081: Prisons and Armed Robbery; Colonial America
081: Prisons and Armed Robbery; Colonial America
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