Written by Stephen Perks
Chapter 15: The Ascension and the Session
Chapter 15: The Ascension and the Session
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
015: U.S. Funding of Communists; Productivity of Japan; Free Market; Poetry
015: U.S. Funding of Communists; Productivity of Japan; Free Market; Poetry
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Chapter 16: God’s Survivors
Chapter 16: God’s Survivors
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
016: Are Protests the Best Way to Deal with Policy Disagreements?
016: Are Protests the Best Way to Deal with Policy Disagreements?
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Charles Roberts and Andrea Schwartz discuss the effectiveness of protests in Episode #16 of the Out of the Question Podcast.
#DatPostmil Podcast
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#DatPostmil Podcast believes that Christ currently reigns from Heaven, and He must reign until all enemies are under his feet. We look at the church, culture, and politics with this biblical worldview.
Written by Gary North
Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Written by Gary North
Shepherds and Sheep
The battle for Christian reconstruction is many-faceted, but there is a single “litmus test” to separate the shepherds from the soon-to-be-sheared sheep in this battle: their support, financial, familistic, and verbal, of the Christian day school movement.
Man at the Gate
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The Gates of the City were once a prominent place and very much the core of a Biblical Society. The Levites read the Law at the Gates, godly men were known to spend time here as well learning from cases as judges rendered verdicts according to God’s Law. Culture was discussed here and even God’s Law was written on the frame of the Gate. The Gates in Israel were once the core of city life, men before and after hard days of work would swing by the gates to hear about news, events, verdicts and art. They could ask a Levite to explain a case law or any other questions they had in regard to The Law. Justice was in a very real sense bound up at this place. It is time that men begin to gather at the heavenly gates and read the Law, discuss events, judge cases, expound upon the nuance of the Law and how it applies to us today. Very little is done in this area. God’s people may understand His Law but they do not understand how it applies in our culture. So come, take a rest from your hard
The Profanation Of Marriage
The Profanation Of Marriage
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Rev. Dr. Jason M. Garwood, lead pastor of Colwood Church in Caro, MI revisits the sermon he preached called “The Profanation of Marriage” just one year ago–a sermon in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to go against the Word of God regarding same-sex mirage.