Chapter 9: The Inside Man
Chapter 9: The Inside Man
Written by Gary North
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Written by Gary North
Subsidizing God’s Opponents
“Below-cost tuitions are the bribe offers paid to parents to send their kids to a politically alien institution, and unsuspecting church members are supposed to finance the bribes.”
Dorothy Sayers Part 2: On Art, Theology, and Work
Dorothy Sayers Part 2: On Art, Theology, and Work
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Cheryl and Suzannah are back for part 2 in our conversation about Dorothy Sayers, exploring her views on what is and what isn’t “Christian” art and the importance of finding one’s work as the means to obtaining purpose and meaning in God’s Kingdom.
War Room
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The War Room is a production of Reconstructionist Radio. Hosted by Bill Evans and Jason Sanchez, this is not your average Christian podcast. Here you’ll find interviews with seasoned, veteran kingdom-builders who have not only talked the talk but walked the walk in various areas of life. Learn about their ministries as we discuss and consider practical approaches to overcoming the myriad of obstacles confronting believers in Post America Christianity.
Immigration Series; Session 3: Logical and Theological Analysis of The Anti-Immigration Ideology of Modern Conservatives
Immigration Series; Session 3: Logical and Theological Analysis of The Anti-Immigration Ideology of Modern Conservatives
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This article was originally posted at
#7: The Sin of Abortion
#7: The Sin of Abortion
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The fallout from the recent Supreme Court leak regarding the future, albeit soon over-ruling of Roe V. Wade continues to rage on like an inferno as America is forced to deal with the sin of abortion—what do we make of this? The left is still melting down and protesting out front of the homes of SCOTUS justices; pro-lifers are vaingloriously taking credit; but we abolitionists have much more to say.
- Louisiana House Bill 813 is at the center of controversy because for the first time in history, a bill of total abolition of abortion has made it out of committee. We’ll talk more about this.
- Plus, last week the White House hosted their Correspondents’ Dinner and per usual the jokes were out in force. One of them, however, wasn’t so funny.
- And finally, while this isn’t a national news headline, it is important: Abolish Abortion Virginia is hosting a conference here in Fauquier County, Northern Virginia. And you should come.
Gnosticism or the Kingdom of God?
Gnosticism or the Kingdom of God?
Written by Stephen Perks
Chapter 9: Constantinople II: The Fallacy of Simplicity
Chapter 9: Constantinople II: The Fallacy of Simplicity
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
009: Defeatism of Christians and Conservatives
009: Defeatism of Christians and Conservatives
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Chapter 10: The Death of Ahab
Chapter 10: The Death of Ahab
Written by R.J. Rushdoony