
Lone Gunners for Jesus

Posted on June 26, 2020

Written by Gary North

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A biblical response to anti-abortionsists who claim that the individual has the God given right to kill abortionists in God’s name or in the name of natural law (“common sense”). These letters to convicted murderer Paul J. Hill were written before he was convicted. They respond to his printed defense of the use of violence against abortionists as well as to his personal letters to the author.

Download the PDF of Lone Gunners for Jesus via GaryNorth.com/freebooks

Joe Salant & Bill Evans

Joe Salant & Bill Evans

Posted on June 11, 2020

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The War Room welcomes Joe Salant as a new, permanent co-host.

Bill and Joe discuss the Future of Christendom conference, the gifts, and empowering of the Holy Spirit, and why reconstructionists should be abolitionists and vice versa.


Seven Biblical Principles That Call For Infant Baptism

Posted on June 23, 2020

Written by Dr. Phillip Kayser

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Many Protestants today see the baptizing of infants as an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. But during the Reformation of the 16th century, when the Protestant Reformers threw off many unbiblical practices of the Roman Church, they continued to baptize infants. Were they duped? Did they lack thoroughness in their reform? Or did they see Biblical merit in including the children of believers in the covenant family of God? This booklet proves the abiding validity of administering the sacrament of baptism to covenant children.


Torture: A Biblical Critique

Posted on June 23, 2020

Written by Dr. Phillip Kayser

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The United Nations, Solidarity International, and some human rights organizations have tried to define and rule out torture, but have been frustrated at how difficult it is to even define the term. Is abortion torture? Solidarity International surprisingly says “No.” But what is even more bizarre, that “human rights” organization has successfully brought a complaint before the United Nations against Nicaragua, claiming that this nation is engaging in torture against women on a massive scale by prohibiting all abortion! What is torture? Should our civil government ever engage in torture? How do we know? It is the contention of this author that apart from the infallible revelation of God in the Scriptures, no one can give a consistent answer. What are we to think of the practices of spanking, waterboarding, and corporal punishment? This booklet seeks to give a Biblically consistent answer to these and other questions.

The Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 Woman

Posted on May 9, 2017

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If you are looking for a passive, docile, obedient woman, a woman that would be satisfied to be bossed around and “discipled” and told what to do and be patronized and taught and instructed…you are looking for the wrong kind of woman. Take those patriarchal ideas and throw them in the garbage can.

Assigned Reading:
The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries, Rodney Stark


The Problem of Evil: A Dialogue

Posted on June 23, 2020

Written by Dr. Phillip Kayser

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Throughout human history various explanations for the existence of evil have been offered. Philosophers and theologians across the ages have struggled to explain it. This booklet shows that only the Bible can provide a clear and coherent answer to which we must not add or subtract.