Christmas and Creedal Culture
Christmas and Creedal Culture
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Christmas has to be defended…as something that is commanded as a principle in the Bible, and commanded in a way that gives us the liberty how and when and where to do it, as long as we do it. Because, if we don’t do it, we are in trouble. And Christmas is one way to do it.
Casa Sanchez
Casa Sanchez
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In this rousing war room free-for-all held at Casa Sanchez with host Bill Evans, and War Room guests Jason Sanchez, Gilbert Lino, Gabriel Colangelo and Matt Vitelli engage in typical man talk over aged scotch and fine cigars-family, ecclesiastical & civil government, secession, abolishing human abortion, biblical leadership, the priesthood of every believer, making disciples, education and culture.
Don’t mind the children in the background, God calls them a blessing and they tire out way before we do 😉
#34: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#34: The Meat of the Word Q&A
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Sola Gratia – Our Legacy & Inheritance
Sola Gratia – Our Legacy & Inheritance
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What was the Reformation & how did it shape Western Civilization?
Biblical Worldview Acad}]emy
2017 Reformation 500 Conference
The Bounds of Love
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:2–3).
The word “Theonomy” comes from two Greek words, theos (God) and nomos (law). Together, these words simply mean “God’s law.” Since every Christian has some view of the role of God’s standards for living, every Christian believes in “Theonomy” to some degree. What has come to be called “Theonomy,” however, is a particular view of the role of God’s law that includes the application of aspects of Old Testament law to all of life including the social realm and civil government. Those who hold to this view are properly called “theonomists.” The Bounds of Love mostly concentrates on this more specific view.
Dr. Joel McDurmon’s The Bounds of Love is a new introduction to Theonomy, the view that Scripture, including the law of Moses, contains abiding principles for civil government. The book is written with exceptional clarity. It reviews the traditional case for theonomy developed by Rushdoony, Bahnsen, and North, and it adds some creative approaches to controversial questions. For example, McDurmon develops a new approach to the question of what laws carry over from the Mosaic covenant to the New, and which do not, and he presents an attractive and detailed portrait of what a theonomic society would look like in the twenty-first century.
#33: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#33: The Meat of the Word Q&A
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Exposing Black Hebrew Israelites
Exposing Black Hebrew Israelites
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The purpose of this episode is to give a general overview of some of the beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites. The Black Hebrew Israelites have plagued black communities all over our nation and have even spread to other nations. We are able to see how this cult twist scripture to justify racism and a works based religion.
Out of respect for Trevaris Tutt, we add this notice that he no longer holds to these views.
Christendom Restored
Christendom Restored
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Narrated by Shelby Luke
Read the article Christendom Restored
Pastor Phillip Kayser
Pastor Phillip Kayser
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Pastor Phil and Kathy Kayser of Dominion Covenant Church in Omaha, NE join us for a second time on the War Room. We discuss tactical relocation, hospitality and the home as a tool to reach the nations, strategic prayer, intercession, and spiritual warfare.
#32: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#32: The Meat of the Word Q&A
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