The Least to the Greatest
The Least to the Greatest
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In this episode, Russell Traweek leads a discussion in what it means to truly be a great man, woman, boy or girl in the Kingdom of God. This sermon is based on Matthew 18:1-4.
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
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A sermon on biblical, social justice.
Why Y’all Still Meeting?
Why Y’all Still Meeting?
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Gordan Runyan answers a common question about why his congregation has continued to meet. It’s not because of the “usual suspects.” But at the end of the day, there really is a hill to die on.
Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
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Gordan Runyan encourages his listeners to examine the building materials they’ve been using to put up the edifice of their lives, especially in light of the fact that a virus has caused many to reach out for other saviors, other ethical rules, that can keep them safe in the storm.
The Trial by Ordeal from Numbers 5
The Trial by Ordeal from Numbers 5
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Gordan Runyan walks his congregation through the trial of the suspected unfaithful wife in Numbers 5 and shows that a head-scratcher text actually winds up magnifying the grace of God and His desire to defend the weaker members of society.
Numbers 5 and the Need for Reform of the Justice System
Numbers 5 and the Need for Reform of the Justice System
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In Numbers 5:1-10, we get rules for dealing with uncleanness in the camp, as well as a law of restitution that encourages the thief to repent before he’s caught. These voluntary statutes highlight the need for self-government under God, and a present need for justice system reform in our own day.
Is Life All About Death and Taxes?
Is Life All About Death and Taxes?
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In this episode Russell Traweek leads us through a discussion and application of Matthew 17:24-27 and the implications of the worldview one holds to. Russell Traweek pastors the home fellowship of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas.
Escaping the Dragon’s Power Matrix
Escaping the Dragon’s Power Matrix
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This episode looks at 4 ways that a church can begin to resemble a dragon (as in the land-beast of Revelation 13) and then we have a pastoral conversation on some of the practical implications of rejecting the fallen world’s power paradigm.
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 3
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 3
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Concluding our workshop on sermon preparation, with the aim of allowing our Reconstructionist theology to effect the way we get ready to preach. This session discusses the Introduction, Application, and Conclusion of the sermon.
Reconstructing the Heart: Emotional Baggage Fees
Reconstructing the Heart: Emotional Baggage Fees
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood continues the series, ‘Reconstructing the Heart,’ by examining the various ways our emotions weigh us down. For more content, please visit Thanks for listening!