Worldview Application
Worldview Application
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood teaches part two of a two-part series on developing and applying the biblical worldview. These lectures were given in the winter of 2017.
Government’s Blank Check? Romans 13:1-7
Government’s Blank Check? Romans 13:1-7
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Andy Stanley’s Marcion Sympathies
Andy Stanley’s Marcion Sympathies
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One of America’s most influential pastors reintroduces an old heresy and wants Christian’s to unhitch from the Bible.
Worldview Foundations
Worldview Foundations
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood teaches part one of a two part series on developing a biblical worldview. These lectures were given in the winter of 2017.
NDT Gives Away the House; We Rassle Over Service and Authority
NDT Gives Away the House; We Rassle Over Service and Authority
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In the first half of the program, Pastor Gordan Runyan and his wife, Joyce, discuss an article in The Scientific American, in which current icon of the unbelievers, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, jettisons whatever epistemological foundations his worldview ever thought of having. After the break, we have an excerpt from a recent sermon in which the pastor sought to bring the concept of servant-authority down to street level.
Just Say No to Kinism
Just Say No to Kinism
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Kinism is dangerously close to the Recon movement and antithetical to the Gospel. John makes a case and encourages us to resist and respond against Kinism as a matter of truth and love.
RR 4th Anniversary: True Fellowship – Joseph Foreman
RR 4th Anniversary: True Fellowship – Joseph Foreman
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True Fellowship – Joseph Foreman – RR 4th Anniversary
RR 4th Anniversary: Antithesis: It’s a War – Bojidar Marinov
RR 4th Anniversary: Antithesis: It’s a War – Bojidar Marinov
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Antithesis: It’s a War – Bojidar Marinov – RR 4th Anniversary
Hermeneutics: Everybody Does it, Very Few Know They Do It
Hermeneutics: Everybody Does it, Very Few Know They Do It
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RR 4th Anniversary: The Banned Book – Dr. Joel McDurmon
RR 4th Anniversary: The Banned Book – Dr. Joel McDurmon
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The Banned Book – Dr. Joel McDurmon – RR 4th Anniversary