301: Are We Ever Safe from False Shepherds?
301: Are We Ever Safe from False Shepherds?
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A recent book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, by Megan Basham, highlights the fact that it’s easy to deceive Christians due to their theological ignorance. How discerning do church-attending Christians need to be?
289: Has the Church Got Worship Wrong?
289: Has the Church Got Worship Wrong?
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What were the church meetings like for the first Christians? Why did they meet? What did they do? Is there something we’ve been missing that should return to? Dr. Tom Wadsworth discusses that with us in this enlightening episode.
Local Pastor Renders Church to Caesar
Local Pastor Renders Church to Caesar
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Gordan Runyan exposes the foolishness of a congregation bowing to the demands of the State, on the basis of “rendering unto Caesar.
What Good Are Your Traditions?
What Good Are Your Traditions?
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In this episode, Russell Traweek leads us in a discussion of on what determines the efficacy our church traditions, the implications of false traditions and the expectation of God according to His Law-Word. Russell Traweek pastors a home fellowship of the saints in Sweeny, Texas called Christ Covenant Church.
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 3
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 3
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Concluding our workshop on sermon preparation, with the aim of allowing our Reconstructionist theology to effect the way we get ready to preach. This session discusses the Introduction, Application, and Conclusion of the sermon.
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 2: Asking Aggressive Questions
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 2: Asking Aggressive Questions
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Using the 133rd Psalm as an example, Gordan Runyan offers suggestions for ways to insure that you are pointing your message at the right target; that you are on the road to pulling down Baal’s altar.
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 1
Constructing a Reconstructed Sermon: Part 1
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Gordan Runyan offers some thoughts on the question, “How should a sermon preached by a Reconstructionist differ from others preached on the same Bible text?” Should a CR sermon look like a CR sermon, even when its topic is not a particularly CR topic? What would that look like? In future episodes in this series, Psalm 133 will form the basis for a nuts-and-bolts walk-thru in the process of sermon preparation, seeking to build a Christian Reconstructionist sermon from the ground up.
The Dangers of Isolationism
The Dangers of Isolationism
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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Russell Traweek discusses where Christian liberty comes to the crossroad of detriment to the individual and the body of Christ. Russell Traweek is the pastor of Christ Covenant Church, a home fellowship of the saints in Sweeny, Texas.
The Price and Remedy of Compromise
The Price and Remedy of Compromise
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Completing the series in the book of Jeremiah, Gordan Runyan highlights two last, important themes we saw repeated in the prophet’s writings. They have application when thinking about the state of the churches, and the state of our individual lives; and what actual reform would look like.
The Church’s Daily Devotion
The Church’s Daily Devotion
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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Russell Traweek Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, TX concludes a sermon series called Churchology with a message called, “The Church’s Daily Devotion” based on Acts 2:42-47.