Appendix C
Appendix C
Written by Stephen C. Perks
Stephen Perks: Kuyper Foundation, Church in the UK, Ritualism
Stephen Perks: Kuyper Foundation, Church in the UK, Ritualism
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Stephen Perks explains the background of the Kuyper Foundation, and an assessment of the church, state and monarchy in the United Kingdom. He also gives a great lesson on the errors of ritualism and the need for reform in the church towards proper covenantal fellowship.
Cómo Convertir su Iglesia en Una Cultura Alternativa 2 – Bojidar Marinov
Cómo Convertir su Iglesia en Una Cultura Alternativa 2 – Bojidar Marinov
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Narrador: William Garcia
Chapter 6: Conclusion to Part One
Chapter 6: Conclusion to Part One
Written by Stephen Perks
Chalcedon Podcast
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Welcome to the official podcast of the Chalcedon Foundation hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.
The Chalcedon Foundation® is a think tank for the self-governing Christian, devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be “reconstructed” according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.
Appendix B
Appendix B
Written by Stephen C. Perks
The Abolition of the Clergy/Laity Divide
The Abolition of the Clergy/Laity Divide
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Instead of one pope in Rome, now we have thousands of popes in centrally planned religious government buildings on every corner. Joe Salant takes aim at the collectivist sham that Christianity provides a special Politburo of ecclesiastical masterminds to occupy the “clergy class” over and above the plebes in the pews, shows how this age-old idolatrous pagan hierarchical view has stunted the growth and potential of the priesthood of all believers, and calls for the abolition of the clergy/laity divide once and for all.
Cómo Convertir su Iglesia en Una Cultura Alternativa 1 – Bojidar Marinov
Cómo Convertir su Iglesia en Una Cultura Alternativa 1 – Bojidar Marinov
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Narrador: William Garcia
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Written by Stephen Perks
Chapter 5: The Real Thing: A Christian Passover
Chapter 5: The Real Thing: A Christian Passover
Written by Stephen Perks