14: Philosophy of Voting & 9 Marks On The Gospel And Culture
14: Philosophy of Voting & 9 Marks On The Gospel And Culture
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This week we had a great discussion on voting. It’s a timely issue and needs to be seriously thought about by all Christians. How should we support the existing government? Should we dissent? Is there such thing as a wasted vote? We covered the RPCNA’s voting stance, mostly focusing on the supremacy clause of the US Constitution (stating that the supreme authority is itself and the laws made) and the religious pluralism upheld by the First Amendment (explicitly denying the First Commandment). Then we discussed an article on the 9Mark website (see link below) regarding the Gospel and Culture. We encourage you all to visit the page and engage them in the comment section! Cheers folks!
Here are some recommended links for further study:
- Tanner’s Whiskey Sour recipe
- The US Constitution Weighted in the Balance
- RPCNA’s stance on voting
- Does the Gospel Include the Transformation of Society? 9Marks article
- Don’t Limit the Gospel by Joel McDurmon (video)
- What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? by Jeff Durbin of Apologia (video)
- What is the Gospel? by John Howell (minisode)
- The Law: A City on a Hill by John Howell (sermon)
“Religious liberty is letting every man choose his own way to hell.”
13: Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and Proactive Disunity with Luke Pierson
13: Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and Proactive Disunity with Luke Pierson
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We had a great conversation with Luke “the Bear” Pierson of Apologia Radio/Apologia Church/Apologia Studios…or as we like to call it, APOLOGIA EMPIRE. We talked about the Postmil feel of Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and proactive disunity. It was great fun! Check it out!
Here are some recommended links for further study:
- Apologia:
- Joe Boot links:
Prophetic Preaching
Prophetic Preaching
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In this episode we will seek to address how preachers in the pulpits of American churches are to blame for congregations of spiritual infants because there is no prophetic vision.
An Optimistic View of the Kingdom
An Optimistic View of the Kingdom
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Interview with Joseph Foreman
Interview with Joseph Foreman
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In Episode 15, Monstrous host Cheryl Hannah Nicholson interviews Joseph Foreman about how Jesus overthrows all our ideas of power and authority in the upper room, and what we have to look forward to in the future when we finally grow up.
Chapter 5: Conclusion to Part Two
Chapter 5: Conclusion to Part Two
Written by Stephen Perks
8: Joel McDurmon’s Restoring America and Pulpit & State
8: Joel McDurmon’s Restoring America and Pulpit & State
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It was another beautiful day in the Lord’s kingdom, and I was going for a stroll on the beach. After not too long I got the feeling I was being followed. So I looked back, and much to my surprise there were two sets of footprints in the sand. When I looked to my right, I noticed Joel McDurmon walking next to me. I was all, “Hey Joel! What’s up?” And he was all, “Hey man, what do I have to do to get on your podcast?” And that’s how this episode got it’s start. We’re really excited for you to hear what Joel has to say! We talked about his great book “Restoring America: One County at a Time” and his latest (edited) “The New England Pulpit and the American Revolution.”
We also announced the winner of the Restoring America giveaway.
For those early listeners, be sure to participate in this week’s extra contest! Listen to the episode for details!
Here are some recommended links from our conversation:
Episode 8’s Tweet This moment:
The Meat of the Word with Martin Selbrede
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Martin G. Selbrede, vice-president of the Chalcedon Foundation, conducts regular Question and Answer sessions on topics of interest to Christians serious about their faith. These audio messages were recorded live, with Martin “working without a net” (as he characterizes it) as he responds to incoming questions. The resulting “messages” continue to cover an ever-widening range of topics, all with an eye to honoring the command to “let all things be done unto edification” (seasoned with the occasional humorous aside). These Q&A’s were modeled after R. J. Rushdoony’s post-sermon Q&A sessions, which allowed those in attendance to “pick Rush’s brain” for a brief season. For more information on the Chalcedon Foundation visit http://chalcedon.edu