
Seeing History With New Eyes: A Guide to Teaching Providential History

Posted on August 31, 2020

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Narrated By: Nathan Conkey

Writing providential history is hard because it takes much more than a mere recitation of dates and events. Providential history is an attempt to interpret history within a Biblical Worldview and show the meaning and purpose of historical events. This is what made older Christian histories so exciting to read. You saw God’s hand directing the flow of history in exciting ways. May we see a new generation of historians proclaiming the mighty deeds of God!


Chalcedon Podcast

Posted on July 21, 2020

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Welcome to the official podcast of the Chalcedon Foundation hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.

The Chalcedon Foundation® is a think tank for the self-governing Christian, devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be “reconstructed” according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.