Chapter 5: “We The People”: Vassal to Suzerain to Serf
Chapter 5: “We The People”: Vassal to Suzerain to Serf
Written by Gary North

Lesson 6: Welfare: How To Get Freedom Back
Lesson 6: Welfare: How To Get Freedom Back
Written by
Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
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Chapter 5: The Third World
Chapter 5: The Third World
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 6: Time Enough
Chapter 6: Time Enough
Written by Gary North

Kaepernick, Collectivism, and the Flag Song (Short)
Kaepernick, Collectivism, and the Flag Song (Short)
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Joe Salant judges good and evil on the NFL settling out of court on its collusion case with Colin Kaepernick, gives the shocking racist history of the national anthem, and shows how USSA State Collectivists haven’t changed much on their use of the special nationalist song.

#5: The Idols of Our Day
#5: The Idols of Our Day
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Idolatry — that treasonous rebellion that plagues unregenerate man and his culture-making efforts — is pernicious and ubiquitous. We’ll consider the doctrine of idolatry and take a look at the various idols plaguing us today, including the biggest one that continues to throw its ugly weight around.
- U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle stated in Tampa, Florida that the CDC has failed to adequately explain its reasons for the mandating of masks on public transportation and airplanes, and ruled against the mandate. The fallout has been interesting.
- The South China Morning Post reports that Shanghai’s most recent lockdown efforts is sucking the life out of everyone — but who could have possibly predicted that? We’ll discuss.
- Elon Musk, who has been the center of controversy lately with his attempted personal acquisition of Twitter, is back in the news for his comments related to Netflix and wokeness. We’ll take a look at what offensive thing he said this time.

Chapter 5: Realism
Chapter 5: Realism
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Chapter 6: Ephesus: The Worship of Man Condemned
Chapter 6: Ephesus: The Worship of Man Condemned
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Chapter 5: Call No Man Your Father
Chapter 5: Call No Man Your Father
Written by Gary DeMar