Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Written by Stephen Perks
Communism in the New Testament
Section 1: The Jerusalem Commune as a Political Paradigm
Section 2: Communism, the Family and Economic Validity
Section 3: The Jerusalem Commune Reconsidered
Section 4: Conclusion
Office, Ministry and the Ritualization of Christianity

Chapter 6: “Emancipation”
Chapter 6: “Emancipation”
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Chapter 4: From Coup to Revolution
Chapter 4: From Coup to Revolution
Written by Gary North

Lesson 5: Welfare How Freedom Was Lost In America
Lesson 5: Welfare How Freedom Was Lost In America
Written by
Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
Download the FREE Study Guide!
Get the book: Restoring America: One County at a Time

Chapter 4: Is God on the Side of the Poor?
Chapter 4: Is God on the Side of the Poor?
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 5: The Society of the Future
Chapter 5: The Society of the Future
Written by Gary North

The Abolition of the Clergy/Laity Divide
The Abolition of the Clergy/Laity Divide
Written by
Instead of one pope in Rome, now we have thousands of popes in centrally planned religious government buildings on every corner. Joe Salant takes aim at the collectivist sham that Christianity provides a special Politburo of ecclesiastical masterminds to occupy the “clergy class” over and above the plebes in the pews, shows how this age-old idolatrous pagan hierarchical view has stunted the growth and potential of the priesthood of all believers, and calls for the abolition of the clergy/laity divide once and for all.

Church, Repent! (Interview with Ron Kronz)
Church, Repent! (Interview with Ron Kronz)
Written by
Join us for a special episode with our host, Pastor Jason Garwood, and his good friend and co-laborer here in Northern Virginia, Ron Kronz of Street Church.

Chapter 4: Power
Chapter 4: Power
Written by R.J. Rushdoony