Short Message for Millennials

Short Message for Millennials

Posted on January 10, 2020

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Since Bojidar Marinov brought attention to it in his Axe to the Root episode titled “Bashing Millennials,” we have believed God to use this rising generation in an opposite manner than they are portrayed by the dying movement of collectivist conservatives and churchmen in our culture, to smash the idols of collectivist authoritarianism of the institutional state and institutional church, and to usher in the next stage of His Story, where self-government is primary.

Big Eva: The Errand Boys of Big Pharma

Big Eva: The Errand Boys of Big Pharma

Posted on April 4, 2022

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After two years of unprecedented and sweeping change in health policies, the Covid-19 pandemic has seemingly forever changed public policies regarding sickness and disease. The question we ask is this: Did the Church respond correctly? What could have been different? And what’s with Big Eva celebrity pastors and authors being the errand boys of Big Pharma?

Join us for a special episode with Jason and Jordan as they discuss covid, the Church’s response, and Big-Eva being co-opted by the NIH, CDC, and Big Pharma’s gatekeepers.