Chapter 4: Your Right To Keep Silent Whittled
Chapter 4: Your Right To Keep Silent Whittled
Written by Brent Allan Winters

Chapter 2: By Whose Authority?
Chapter 2: By Whose Authority?
Written by Ray Sutton

The Innocent Cry Out: Mike Ware and the Innocence Project of Texas Take Up the Cause
The Innocent Cry Out: Mike Ware and the Innocence Project of Texas Take Up the Cause
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“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
Mike Ware, Criminal Defense Attorney and Executive Director of The Innocence Project of Texas discusses the causes of false confessions and wrongful convictions in this episode of Justice in His Kingdom. The hosts, Roger Oliver and Jerri Lynn Ward put this in the context of God’s law and his requirements for justice.
For more information about Mike Ware and The Innocence Project of Texas, visit InnocenceTexas.org and MikeWareLaw.com.

Tucumcari Area News for the Week of December 24th, 2018
Tucumcari Area News for the Week of December 24th, 2018
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We catch some people doing good at the City Commission meeting; and discuss questions to think about before gun control measures come to Quay County.

Greed and Graft
Greed and Graft
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Summaries of the Saint Petersburg City Council committee meetings for January 31, 2019

Knox Area News Special Christmas Event Episode
Knox Area News Special Christmas Event Episode
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Some events that are potentially fun for the Christmas season 2018.

Chapter 3: The Creation of Wealth
Chapter 3: The Creation of Wealth
Written by Stephen Perks

Episode 5: The Biblical View of Abuse
Episode 5: The Biblical View of Abuse
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Does the Bible address the issue of abuse? Whether domestic, social, or ecclesiastical, there is physical, emotional, and even spiritual abuse at every level of society.
In this episode, Chalcedon scholar, Martin Selbrede, reveals the Biblical approach to dealing with abuse.
For several years, Martin has researched the subject extensively and is currently finalizing a massive study on abuse for Chalcedon’s new academic journal.
Although news and social media are currently replete with topics about the virus or social justice, the evil of abuse continues its growth undercover, and Christians must be alert to it in order to bring God’s justice to bear upon it.
Hosted by Martin Selbrede and Andrea Schwartz.
Learn more about the Chalcedon Foundation at Chalcedon.edu

Chapter 3: Honoring God’s Law by Disobeying Evil Humanist Laws
Chapter 3: Honoring God’s Law by Disobeying Evil Humanist Laws
Written by Gary North

Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Written by Stephen Perks
Total Depravity and Social Order
Section 1: The Reformed Doctrine of the Reformers
Section 2: The Roman Catholic Doctrine
Section 3: That Modern Protestant Doctrine
Section 4: The Armenian Doctrine
Section 5: The Biblical Doctrine
Section 6: Conclusion