Chapter 4: The Antebellum Setup
Chapter 4: The Antebellum Setup
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Chapter 2: Renewed Covenant or Broken Covenant
Chapter 2: Renewed Covenant or Broken Covenant
Written by Gary North

Lesson 3: How to Get Freedom Back
Lesson 3: How to Get Freedom Back
Written by
Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
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Chapter 2: God’s Law and the Poor
Chapter 2: God’s Law and the Poor
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 3: Covenantal Progress
Chapter 3: Covenantal Progress
Written by Gary North

Child Sex Slave in the King State
Child Sex Slave in the King State
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Child rape kingpin Jeffrey “Sex Island” Epstein gets one year in prison for his unspeakable crimes that the Bible prescribes swift death penalty for, while 16 year old child sex slave Cyntoia Brown is almost 20 years into a life sentence in the Prison Industrial Complex for killing her Jeffrey Epstein-esque child rapist, in self defense. Just another example of the human sacrifice of the weaker vessel in the USSA King State.

The Drug War
The Drug War
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The Drug War

A Series On Stateless: What Does It Mean To Be Stateless
A Series On Stateless: What Does It Mean To Be Stateless
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Matt & Helen (along with their twins) discuss what statelessness is, how someone becomes stateless and what it looks like to be a stateless person.

The Lordship of Christ
The Lordship of Christ
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Dr. Jason Garwood, Lead Pastor of Colwood Church, discusses the Lordship of Christ over all things, including civil government. What are we to think about the myth of neutrality? The problem of social decay? The need for a biblical social theory? Listen in as Jason sets the record straight on a recent Facebook interaction he had, demonstrating how the escapist thinking just doesn’t work.