Chapter 2: Why You Ought Not Talk to the Police
Chapter 2: Why You Ought Not Talk to the Police
Written by Brent Allan Winters

Naboth’s Vineyard
Naboth’s Vineyard
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Jerri Lynn Ward and Roger Oliver interview John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute about the application of the story of Naboth’s Vineyard to today’s judicial system and our Government. The Rutherford Institute website can be found at Rutherford.org, along with the books mentioned on the episode among others.

Tucumcari Area News for the Week of December 3rd
Tucumcari Area News for the Week of December 3rd
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What do cemetery shrines, delinquent water bills, and a poorly designed intersection have in common? They are all headaches the City of Tucumcari must deal with because we all agreed long ago to allow the government to go way, way beyond its God-given mission. Concrete examples of how our freedom is diminished when government seeks to do “good.

Greed and Control
Greed and Control
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Joshua covers the council events for January 17, 2019.

Civil Asset Forfeiture, Eminent Domain, SCOTUS, Oh My!
Civil Asset Forfeiture, Eminent Domain, SCOTUS, Oh My!
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Episode Four, Civil Asset Forfeiture, Eminent Domain, SCOTUS, Oh My! This includes a summary of recent bills in TN, latest SCOTUS ruling, and an eminent domain land seize.

Chapter 1: Economics and Economic Disciplines
Chapter 1: Economics and Economic Disciplines
Written by Stephen Perks

Episode 3: Our Threatened Freedom
Episode 3: Our Threatened Freedom
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More citizens are experiencing a pronounced overreach by their local governments which is giving them a taste of authoritarianism they’re not familiar with. What they don’t realize is that this was always the case. Their liberties were always under threat by the bloated bureaucracy of statism.
But for Christians, they must take civil authoritarianism seriously and begin the work of Christian Reconstruction.
Hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.
Learn more about the Chalcedon Foundation at Chalcedon.edu

Chapter 1: The Author of All Authority
Chapter 1: The Author of All Authority
Written by Gary North

Written by Gary North

Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Written by Stephen Perks
The Politics of God and The Politics of Man
Section 1: Politics and Religion
Section 2: Politics as a General Category for Understanding the Christian Faith
Section 3: Politics as a Specific Form of Social Action
Section 4: Practising the Politics of God
Section 5: Conclusion
The Grammar of the Great Commission