Written by Stephen Perks

Episode 2: Pandemic & Christian Reconstruction
Episode 2: Pandemic & Christian Reconstruction
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A global pandemic is isolating people, tanking the economy, and expanding the powers of the state. Is this God’s judgment? Is this an enforced sabbath? How should Christians view this crisis, and what should we be doing to prepare for the future?
Hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.
Learn more about the Chalcedon Foundation at Chalcedon.edu

The Two Kingdom’s Doctrine’s Schizophrenic Philosophy of History
The Two Kingdom’s Doctrine’s Schizophrenic Philosophy of History
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Narrated by Jason Sanchez
Read the article The Two Kingdom’s Doctrine’s Schizophrenic Philosophy of History

Written by Gary North

Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Written by Stephen C. Perks
Section 1: Christianity and Politics
Section 2: The Establishment Principle
Section 3: The Function of the State
Section 4: The Secular State and Persecution
Section 5: Conclusion
Excursus – Definition of Terms
Section 1: Church
Section 2: Religion
Section 3: Politics, Political, Political Sphere, Political Realm
Section 4: State, Civil Government, Magistrate
Section 5: Multiculturalism
Section 6: World-View

Introduction: Part 2
Introduction: Part 2
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
Download the FREE Study Guide!
Get the book: Restoring America: One County at a Time

Author’s Introduction
Author’s Introduction
Written by Robert Thoburn