Chapter 7: Drug War: The Slavery of Fallen Man
Chapter 7: Drug War: The Slavery of Fallen Man
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Chapter 8: Gun Control: The Statist Protections of Fallen Man
Chapter 8: Gun Control: The Statist Protections of Fallen Man
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Chapter 9: Racism: The Prejudice of Fallen Man
Chapter 9: Racism: The Prejudice of Fallen Man
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Chapter 10: Kingdom: The Vision of Redeemed Man
Chapter 10: Kingdom: The Vision of Redeemed Man
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Appendix: Vaccines: The Gospel Imperative to End the Silence
Appendix: Vaccines: The Gospel Imperative to End the Silence
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

#1: The Warrenton Declaration
#1: The Warrenton Declaration
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We’re back! And boy are we excited.
The Warrenton Declaration is out! Yours truly is happy to be an original signer. Have you signed it and shared it in an attempt to stop government tyranny? Sign it at WarrentonDeclaration.com
1. Dr. Leana Wen recently stated on CNN that “The Science has changed.” We’ll try to sort that mess out.
2. Canadian police begin making arrests and stealing people’s property in Ottawa while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invokes the Emergency Powers statute.
3. Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, recently dodged a question about the Johns Hopkins Lockdown Study that recently came out.
Theonomy or Autonomy
We’ll revisit a short interaction I recently had with the Virginia House of Delegates as it pertains to religious exemption in the Virginia Code.

Cross & Crown Radio
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The Foundations of Social Order
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
Every social order rests on a creed, on a concept of life and law, and represents a religion in action. Wherever there is an attack on the organization of society, there is an attack on its religion. The basic faith of a society means growth in terms of that faith, but any tampering with its basic structure is revolutionary activity. The life of a society is its creed; a dying creed faces desertion or subversion readily. Every creed, however healthy, is also under continual attack; the culture which neglects to defend and further its creedal base is exposing its heart to the enemy’s knife. Because of its indifference to its creedal basis in Biblical Christianity, western civilization is today facing death and is in a life and death struggle with humanism.
Today humanism is the creedal basis of the various democratic and socialistic movements. The clearer the humanism, the more direct its use of power, because it operates in terms of a consistency of principle. The conservatives attempt to retain the political forms of the Christian West with no belief in Biblical Christianity. Apart from vague affirmations of liberty, they cannot defend their position philosophically. They, therefore, become fact-finders: they try to oppose the humanists by documenting their cruelty, corruption, and abuse of office. If the facts carry any conviction to the people, they lead them only to exchange one set of radical humanists for reforming radical humanists. It is never their faith in the system which is shaken, but only in a form or representative of that system. The success of the subversives rests on their attack on the creed of the establishment, and its replacement by a new creed.
Then the foundations are provided, the general form of the building is determined. When the creed is accepted, the social order is determined. There can, therefore, be no reconstruction of the Christian civilization of the west except on Christian creedal foundations.