095: Do Regulations Make Us Safer?
095: Do Regulations Make Us Safer?
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In this 92nd episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, Andrea Schwartz & Steve Macias answer the question, “Do Regulations Make Us Safer?”
088: What Does It Take to Challenge the Status Quo?
088: What Does It Take to Challenge the Status Quo?
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In episode 88 of the Out of the Question Podcast. Chris Zimmerman and his daughter, Savannah, discuss their family’s activities in preserving our Second Amendment rights.
Joseph Foreman – The Executive Branch of Mosaic Government
Joseph Foreman – The Executive Branch of Mosaic Government
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Joseph Foreman – The Executive Branch of Mosaic Government
Theocracy and Libertarianism
Theocracy and Libertarianism
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When R.J. Rushdoony said that theocracy is the closest thing to radical libertarianism that can be had, he was not speaking figuratively, nor was he speaking politically. He was speaking literally, based on a thorough analysis of Biblical Law and the social order it prescribed.
Assigned Reading:
– Law and Liberty, R.J. Rushdoony
– The Theme is Freedom, M. Stanton Evans
Paganism, Conservationism, and Fear of Competition
Paganism, Conservationism, and Fear of Competition
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“The image of God in man laughs at Malthus’s closed-universe paganism. The end of history will not be economic. It will come not because we have run out of resources…The end will be covenantal: it will come because the church has fulfilled the Great Commission and has made the whole world submit to Christ, and has made all His enemies His footstool.
Assigned Reading:
– The Population Bomb, Paul and Anne Ehrlich
The Cult of Safety
The Cult of Safety
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You have heard it said that the Biblical role of the civil government is to provide safety. But is this true?
Assigned Reading:
– Life Without Lawyers: Liberating Americans from Too Much Law, Philip Howard
081: Do All Veterans Deserve Honor and Recognition?
081: Do All Veterans Deserve Honor and Recognition?
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In episode 81 of the Out of the Question Podcast, how Christians should view veterans and military service in general is discussed.
The Little Ice Age
The Little Ice Age
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The worldview of a culture is revealed in the way it responds to calamity.
Assigned Reading:
– Informed Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age, Bruno Bettelheim
National Day of Prayer in the Moloch State
National Day of Prayer in the Moloch State
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Joe Salant on The David Tulis Show (CBS Radio, Chattanooga)
Perpetuating Problems for Profit
Perpetuating Problems for Profit
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If you want to summarize the practical ideology of cultural pessimism, it is this: Every solution must be by default incomplete and temporary; the problems stay forever. And let me tell you, folks: There’s money in it. Huge money.
Assigned Reading:
– Restoring America, Joel McDurmon