261: Is “Brain Death” a Convenient Fallacy?
261: Is “Brain Death” a Convenient Fallacy?
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In the 1960s, death itself was “redefined” to justify harvesting valued organs such as a heart or lungs while the patient was still alive. One could now be declared “brain dead” while their organs were still functional, but is brain death death? Dr. Heidi Klessig’s new book “The Brain Death Fallacy” seeks an answer.
260: From What Exactly Has the Believer Been Saved?
260: From What Exactly Has the Believer Been Saved?
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One might think “being saved from hell” is the sum total of Christ’s work on our behalf until you realize redemption actually goes to the heart of every issue we deal with individually and as a society.
259: Has the Church’s Identity Been Stolen?
259: Has the Church’s Identity Been Stolen?
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According to mainstream evangelicals, Israel retains a special status despite their denial of Jesus Christ. What, then, is the purpose of the church as spiritual Israel, and what does this mean for the future of Christianity?
255: What is Your Moral IQ?
255: What is Your Moral IQ?
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At the height of technology and intellectualism, we are witnessing a rapid decline in man’s moral intelligence, leading to a breakdown in the social order. Humanism is bankrupt, and only a return to God’s Law can restore the civilization both believer and unbeliever long for. Chalcedon Vice-president Martin Selbrede, speaks to this subject in this Out of the Question Podcast episode.
254: Do We Have a Right to Lie?
254: Do We Have a Right to Lie?
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249: Have You Examined Your Premises Lately?
249: Have You Examined Your Premises Lately?
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When we accept the world’s premises over biblical ones, we not only fail to take dominion but also dishonor our King and fail as His ambassadors. This is the subject of this Out of the Question Podcast episode.
248: What Is the Faith that Overcomes the World?
248: What Is the Faith that Overcomes the World?
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We have the certainty of Scripture that the entire world will be converted just as the prophets foretold. Is this the true meaning of postmillennialism? Martin Selbrede brings powerful insights to answer that question.
236: Are National Parks Enforcing a Singular Worldview on Park Visitors?
236: Are National Parks Enforcing a Singular Worldview on Park Visitors?
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We are used to “approved narratives” in the school house, universities, and the media. Few might suspect that similar revisionist history is being promoted in our National Parks. Bill Potter, a noted historian, shares his experience regarding the pushback from government bureaucrats when God’s providential history is shared.
234: Is the Idea of Unconditional Love Heretical?
234: Is the Idea of Unconditional Love Heretical?
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There are a number of well intentioned “truths” that are bantered about within church circles. Here are just a couple of them, “Hate the sin, not the sinner,” “God will not give you more than you can handle,” “We must ask and accept Jesus Christ into our hearts.” These could all be featured chapters in a book that would be entitled Things the Bible Never Says. Another common “truth” that can be added to the list is “God loves unconditionally, and so should we.” Is that true? Listen in as we discuss it!
233: Whose Predestination to We Believe In?
233: Whose Predestination to We Believe In?
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Whose Predestination to We Believe In?